Our Thesis

In the Web 3.0 era, the fastest growing brands will be those providing true ownership & ownership of the truth.

At SUKU, we believe that in the web 3.0 era, the fastest growing and prevailing brands will be among those providing two things:

  1. Verifiable truth

  2. True ownership

1. Verifiable truth

We currently live in the post-truth era. One in which a myriad of organizations—brands, politicians, merchants, etc.— bend the truth in their favor by sharing unsubstantiated narratives and making unverifiable claims. When it comes to brands, goods, and services, there is no shortage of claims either: vegan, made in USA, cruelty-free, fair trade, non-GMO, gluten-free, 100% USDA organic, sustainable, ethical practices… and the list goes on.

As a result, we consumers are evolving, becoming more skeptical. Truth and trust are becoming scarce assets.

  • 👌 Authentic? Prove it.

  • 🥑 Organic? Show me.

  • 🌎 Sustainable? Let's verify that.

  • 💙 Ethical? Yeah, sure.

No trust = No engagement. We call this new type of evolved consumer ‘Conscious customers.’ To capture Conscious customers’ hearts and prevail brands need to provide verifiable truth.

2. True ownership

Furthermore, with the advent of blockchain and the power of Web3 values, another segment of consumers arose and is growing fast. A customer that deeply values indisputable ownership. We call this segment of people ‘Meta-customers’.

Meta-customers live in both physical and virtual worlds, and the things they value the most—and spend the most money on—they can’t touch:

  • 🎮 Games

  • 🖼 Digital collectibles

  • 👾 NFTs

  • 🏝 Experiences

  • 💃 Self-expression

To capture Meta-customers’ hearts and prevail, brands need to provide true ownership.

With blockchain, the future of commerce is much brighter, for both customers and brands.

Last updated